Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Leap of Faith

When a spider begins to spin a web she will cast a strand of silk out into space. If it catches on a tree branch or bush then the spider begins to make a web connecting one strand to another until a lacey web is fashioned. The threads of a spider web are very tiny but amazingly powerful. It can catch large insects and is strong enough to hold a necklace of raindrops. But the artistry of the web begins with that first leap of thread. God has great plans for us, the sheep of God’s pasture. God equips us to do every good thing. The famous hymn “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” reminds us: “The Spirit and the gifts are ours through Him who with us sideth.” We need to do our part: take a leap of faith. God often calls us to do something that we don’t think we can do. In our own strength we fail, in God’s strength we can do all things. Is God calling you to do something? Cast your strand of silk and see if God is not waiting on the other side to catch it.

1 comment:

  1. Good topic for Pentecost Sunday. Challenging our faith community to live their faith helps to keep us humble as we learn to depend on God and realize that all things are possible with God.
