This is the season for transitions for many of our churches. Some pastors are moving to new appointments and with the moves come a number of transitions that need our special care. First and most importantly we should pray for all of the pastors and their families who will be moving this year. Moving always involves a disruption of life and routine and all of these details come together through the power of prayer. Churches should give special care to honor the ministry of the departing pastor with an appropriate celebration. Likewise new pastors should be greeted with hospitality at their first service and as they move into the community. Our church parsonages need to be ready and in good order and the family greeted with a meal on moving day. Even if the pastor owns their own home some kind of welcome can be devised. Providing information about the community for the new pastor is another way that church members can help with the transition.
Many pastors will not be moving this year but the first Sunday of July marks the beginning of a new appointment year. Churches can celebrate the return of a remaining pastor on that first Sunday. In all of our dealings with one another, let us be supportive, gentle and helpful. We are the Body of Christ, the Family of God. Let us make this our best transition year ever for every family in our area.
Bishop Peggy A. Johnson
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