Monday, June 7, 2010

The Perfect Game

On May 29th Phillies pitcher Roy “Doc” Halladay pitched a perfect game against the Marlins in Florida. That means no one from the other team was able to even get to first base and every person was “out” by the time they finished batting….27 “outs” in all. This is very rare, only 20 in baseball history. It is a great honor and a thrill for any pitcher to have achieved this moment and even the Marlins were happy for him that night.

Roy Halladay has great skill for sure but notable to me was when he achieved this moment he deflected much of the credit to the catcher, Carlos Ruiz. No one is an island. Our greatest moments are really a team effort. When we all work together and do our part all of us achieve. There were no un-important players on the field that night. Had anyone not done their part this victory would never have happened.
It is what Paul means when he says that all the parts of the body are important and no one part can tell another part they don’t belong and no part can disqualify itself from body membership. (I Corinthians 12)

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