Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Leap of Faith

When a spider begins to spin a web she will cast a strand of silk out into space. If it catches on a tree branch or bush then the spider begins to make a web connecting one strand to another until a lacey web is fashioned. The threads of a spider web are very tiny but amazingly powerful. It can catch large insects and is strong enough to hold a necklace of raindrops. But the artistry of the web begins with that first leap of thread. God has great plans for us, the sheep of God’s pasture. God equips us to do every good thing. The famous hymn “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” reminds us: “The Spirit and the gifts are ours through Him who with us sideth.” We need to do our part: take a leap of faith. God often calls us to do something that we don’t think we can do. In our own strength we fail, in God’s strength we can do all things. Is God calling you to do something? Cast your strand of silk and see if God is not waiting on the other side to catch it.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Memorial Stones

When the Israelites finally crossed into the Promised Land they passed through the Jordan on dry land (Joshua 4).  Joshua instructed the people to appoint one person from each tribe to take a stone out of the riverbed and to make a monument out of these stones to remember the miracle of the parting waters and the miracle of their entry into the Promised Land.  Taking time to remember important milestones an important part of life.  This coming week we celebrate Memorial Day and remember all those who sacrificed in service to their country.  We remember the goodness of God, who has provided for us and cared for us in countless ways.  We remember God’s salvation through Jesus Christ.  We remember God’s promises to us for eternal life and God’s never failing presence.  When you remember something you Re-Member it….you give it a body.  It comes alive through your memory.  As we remember we need to bodily live the promises of God in our words and actions in the world and our remembering will be worthwhile. 
Bishop Peggy A. Johnson

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Susanna Wesley

On this Mother’s Day I am reflecting on the “Mother of Methodism,” Susanna Wesley.  Her sons, John and Charles, began the Methodist Movement that changed the world.  I believe that the Christian nurture of Susanna and her husband Rev. Samuel Wesley, had much to do with their success.  Susanna home schooled her many children at an early age and used the Bible as a means of instruction.  She also had private meetings with each one to inquire about their soul.  She practiced the means of grace as a way of life in the home: prayer, study of scripture, fasting, tithing, self examination, worship, and the Lord’s Supper.  She prayed for an hour in the morning and an hour at night.  When her husband was away on business she would conduct worship in her kitchen.  Susanna once wrote in her journal, “There is nothing I now desire to live for but to do some small service to my children, that as I have brought them into the world, I may, if it please God, be an instrument of doing good to their souls.”


There are children in our lives that need our Christian nurture.  They may be your own children or grand children or children in your church or neighborhood.  There is nothing more precious than nurturing the soul of a young person.  It is one of the most important things we can be doing as we strive to grow our churches. 


Bishop Peggy A. Johnson

Friday, May 8, 2009

Ministry of Meditation

I have always been intrigued by the story of Abigail found in I Samuel 25.  She is the wife of a wealthy landowner named Nabal.  David and his men asked Nabal for some food and Nabal refuses their request.  David felt this was an injustice since David and his men were something of a protection ring around Nabal’s sheep shearers and the field workers.  David was planning an act of retaliation when Abigail gets word of it and intercedes.  She brings a large gift of food to David and asks that he not avenge himself.  She said “My lord (David), let the blame be on me alone….please forgive your servant’s (Nabal), offense.”  Abigail did no wrong to David but she was willing to put the sins of her husband on her self and intercede in order to save the lives of the entire household.   David accepts her peace offering and gives up his plan to attack Nabal’s farm. 


Every day we encounter places of conflict and moments of discord between people.  There is a true need for the ministry of mediation.  It takes a humble person to take on the sins of another and work peace from the middle.  Standing in the gap between two disagreeable parties is the hardest place to be in life.  It is the place where Jesus stood as he was dying on the cross, making peace between God and people.  As imitators of Christ we are called to be the world’s peacemakers.  Where do you see places in your work or church where you can intercede with a “winning word of love.”  It will always involve personal sacrifice and courage.  I believe there would be more peace in this world if Christ’s people were actively building bridges of understanding and reconciliation where there is discord. 

Bishop Peggy A. Johnson