Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pornography: it is a bigger problem than you can imagine

Three weeks ago I attended a summit meeting of religious leaders known as the Religious Alliance Against Pornography. This interfaith group is working to educate religious organizations and the public at large about the widespread use of pornography in our society today. It also uses its corporate influence on matters of legal and public policy when appropriate. Members of this alliance are partnering with the National Coalition and iCare to educate people about how to protect themselves from pornography. With the advent of computers, internet, and many kinds of hand-held devices and cell phones pornography, sex trafficking and prostitution has become a multi-billion dollar industry around the world. Just about anything and everything is at the click of a mouse on a personal computer. Many innocent children and teens are being trapped into this culture.

If you have not already done so protect your home and church computers with filters and “smart limits.” Parents should study the kinds of protections that can be put on cell phones and video games. When you see pornography in stores or in the media use your voice to raise awareness and complain to managers and advertisers. Support international efforts to stop sex trafficking of young children and women. The United Methodist Women have many such programs. Speak to church groups and youth groups about the dangers of pornography. Get counseling and help for people with addictions to pornography. Above all else, pray for God’s grace to make a difference in this world by your pro-active witness.

For more info contact

Resources from the General Board of Church and Society -

Sex and the Church — Pornography and sexual addiction
Prevention of the Use of Pornography in the Church (#2082, 2008 BOR)
United Methodist Web site on sexual ethics:

UMSE Bulletin: Monthly News, Events and Information on
Sexual Ethics for The United Methodist Church:

CONFERENCE: Healthy Sexuality in Light of Internet Pornography: The Church’s Place
Camp Hill United Methodist Church, Camp Hill, PA. Save the date -- May 2, 2011.
COST $35 incl lunch. Contact: Darlene R. Schlegel, PA Council of Churches,
717 545 4761.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for speaking to this addictive issue. It can destroy lives and marriages. It may even be worse than drugs and alcohol in that its a shameful addiction that is listed as a secret sin. As long as it is done in secret, few will get the help they need.
